Walk by the Beach
I have always feared loss,
feared death and change...
I have cried thinking of "what ifs"
imperfections deep within I have tried to scavenge...
As I walk by the beach the wind beats my face,
I smell the sea and taste the salt,
My hands are chilly and my hair's let loose
yet the harmony in the scene leaves no scope of revolt
Old men with big dogs,
Young girls with small dogs,
Joggers in trendiest tracks,
Kids wearing brightest slacks
all pass by me..
High above in the sky
sea planes and albatross fly,
Down below in the sea,
boats and ducks swim by...
There are benches too,
In the sweet memory the deceased,
One dedication I particularly remember
"Mr Cole, whose friendship, humor and wit we have ever since missed"
And then there is this lady,
speaking to the sea gulls and staring at the sea,
a homeless old woman in rags,
Yet somehow happy, yet somehow free
Isnt my life is close to perfect?
Imperfections just make it saucier,
Adds in it a dash of spice,
and makes it all the more merrier..
Life is short
Lets make it the best,
The hurt lets forget,
The love lets not waste...
Its a sense of elation,
And I have no regret
Its a revelation,
And freedom I taste!