Sunday, April 27, 2008


The elements of nature
embodied in man,
Fire, Water , Earth , air and space...
The quest is on....
for the perfect balance....
But where infinity ends doesnt infinity start again?
but the quest is on..
To find the kendrabindu - the crux
The balance of life .........

Passion ignites
but lust burns ,
Love quenches
but obsession drowns ,
Trust supports
but once broken shatters,
Freedom flows
but without control blows you away,
Individuality gives you space
but distance gives you loneliness,
The quest is on....
for the perfect balance....
But where infinity ends doesnt infinity start again?
but the quest is on..
To find the kendrabindu - the crux
The balance of life .........

Selfish man, you look only for ephemeral happiness
lasting only for infinitesimal time
I show you the path of eternal happiness,
lasting for infinity....
But oh shortsighted man u refuse to learn......
That pushes me away..
But then there is a string that pulls me back again,
Like a pendulum I swing back and forth,
One day ............
the fragile thread may break and I ll be thrown away,
Or else maybe I ll attain equilibrium
The balance of life.......


At November 22, 2008 at 12:54 PM , Blogger Himadri Mayank said...

But where infinity ends doesn't infinity begin again.....

Liked it. Rumi, you continually amaze me. :)


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